The Blueberry 3D Desktop project is a rather interesting concept. David Caouette, it's creator, invisions replacing your traditional flat 2D desktop with a 3D engine interface.

Development is under Delphi using OpenGL and the Win32 API it's self.

However development of the project has been delayed for mor than a year due to a lack of available 3D resources to work with. The author is asking if anyone would be willing to help or contribute to contact him via the project site. He is willing to hold off on closing the project for now. Anyone willing to help has until the 1st of August to help get the project back under way.

<center>[img]files/news/2005_06_27_blueberry3ddesktop1.jpg[/img] [img]files/news/2005_06_27_blueberry3ddesktop2.jpg[/img]
[img]files/news/2005_06_27_blueberry3ddesktop3.jpg[/img] [img]files/news/2005_06_27_blueberry3ddesktop4.jpg[/img]</center>

For more information about the Blueberry 3D Desktop go to