Quote Originally Posted by lief
We need to narrow down the community to an elite 7 or 8 developers who don't have to ask questions on boring stuff like programming or game development.
You mean you want a community of just 7 or 8 people? I think you need to reread what has been said in this thread, because that is definitely not what we're after.

Quote Originally Posted by WILL
You know it has been quite the popular thread. In fact people are starting to post more. I'm personally glad to see this. Please keep up the good job guys. Great effort.
That makes two of us. I'm very pleased to see things are brightening up. I'm also happy to know people still visit even though its not always visible to others.

Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
Interestingly that its starting to look eliteist - maybe I should stop posting. I am the biggest supporter of Beginners - my GLXtreem articles were aimed at beginners - where other than my web page will you find more complete source for games?
Quote Originally Posted by technomage
I agree we're not elitist here.
I think the term elitist is been understand incorrectly.
You are absolutely right about your articles, cairnswm. And I don't think its the articles that are the problem. It's our posting. For quite some time now, posts appear to focus around Jedi-SDL, Lazarus or FPC.
While that isn't a problem to itself, as its a proper topic for a community like PGD, I do sense two problems are coming from it.

A) New members may think we don't do Delphi (anymore), or that it is of less interest to us.
B) Members, not that interested in the topics mentioned above are less inclined to post in those topics.

Add these to the fact that we appear to be very reserved when it comes to new threads (save newsposts) and you have I think in a nutshell our situation.