Ever since this community started, it has been the starting point of my day. Well not entirely, as I there are some things that just have to go first, but yes after that, I start my pc, open Firefox and hit the PGD link.

But for quite some time now, something is bothering me.
Let me show you todays version of how my session in PGD went, as it is a prime example of how many appear to go the past few months.

"Hmm no news today.
Oh well, off to the forums.
Hmm only three threads with new posts.
Ah that's nice, cairnswm has posted an update about his 4E4 contest entry
Oh nobody has replied to his post yet"

I tried cairnswms updated game and wrote a little something about it.
I also added a PS to it, hoping somebody would reply to that. Only cairnswm did. Unfortunately he didn't see the hint I was trying to make.

For quite some time now, I have been asking myself the following question:What is the deal with PGD? I mean we have nearly 800 registered users. Lets say for the sake of argument that only 700 are valid users. Why is it then that we so few new posts in the forum? Why is it that only a handfull reply to new threads. Why is it that only 4.3% of all members have logged in today?

To put it all in a reallife example: why is it that someone like cairnswm who's working his butt off during the day, still finds a spare hour to work on his entry and only 5 people take the time to comment on his work!
Tell me how many of you have actually taken the time to download his entry just to try it out?
Don't you all care about it? I mean, he is reaching out for a bit of help. He isn't asking for a lot! Just 10 minutes of your time. Ten minutes to download his game run it and write something nice (or bad) about it. (I'm pretty sure I don't have to tell how important feedback is)

Sometimes I think that people only come here to get a quick answer for their problems or an easy source for some code and then quickly disappear again only to come back months later with a new problem.

I thought we were supposed to be an active community of pascal game developers. But right now, I don't know what to think of it anymore.

Do you?