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Thread: Space Anarchy

  1. #1

    Space Anarchy

    Here is my old-programmed, but new in graphics game , nice sokoban clone.Screen:


  2. #2

    Space Anarchy

    cookies!! yuuummmm

    i don't even know what sokoban is sorry. i've heard of it...

    should do the square tile buttons same style as menu buttons.

  3. #3

    Space Anarchy

    Will try this one out when I get home (even though I'm not that big a fan of sokoban).
    Screenshot looks promising though!

  4. #4

    Space Anarchy

    Quite ok for sokoban, but some deviation from the gameplay of the original would be nice. Something like different sized movable objects, or objects which could only be pushed vertically or horizontally. And puzzles get too hard too fast for my taste. For an example of a twist on sokoban style see Momors Mazemania Clik.Why would a flying saucer be pushing space ships into landing zones, something more evil would be fun.


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