I very much doubt you can use Warcraft or Doom3 editors.
AFAIC doom3 used a combination of Lightwave and Max to create its objcets. The Lightwave format however is (IMO) quite difficult to import in you own game. A couple years ago there was a post at turbo of someone who claimed he had written a lwo/lws viewer but he never released source and vanished a couple months later.

Another source for a lightwave importer is the game done by greent, a PGD member. You can find his website here, including source.

Last time I checked, glscene also had a crude lightwave importer, but I never got it to work

Max (and lightwave too btw) is capable of creating 3ds files. You should be able to load these in glscene.

If you want animated objects you should look into Milkshape.