I cannot believe and am appalled that UK citizens and I assume citizens from around world just accept that the killing of an innocent Brazilian is acceptable in this "war on terror".

Would everyone think it was ok if the police accidentally shot Tony
Blair's son just because he ran away from some plain clothes people
holding a gun, who claimed they were police? On top of this they had him
in custody, eye witnesses say he was held down by 2 officers, and another officer still shot him in the head and 4 more times. This is not the behaviour of a so called civilised nation. Where is the justice for this boy and his family? How can this possibly be seen as acceptable? Or is it just collateral damage? Would it be acceptable if I was the one who had been shot? Would any of you gladly sacrifice the life of your innocent daughter or son, for the great good of the "war on terror"?

This makes first world countries like the UK no better than a dictator
who uses hit squads to kill people suspected of things without proof.
"Shoot to kill" should not be used in so called civilised countries.
Proof is what civilised countries use to bring offenders to justice.
Proof is what is required, not bodies.

I am not a fan of circular emails, so instead I urge you to write to your local Member of Parliament so that these sort of things do not happen in your part of the world.