Hi Everyone

I have a little question (as always ).

I'm trying to implement a chase camera (a very basic one). I figured out the best way was to translate back a bit from the origin and render my model, that was the easy part.

The hard part is figuring out how to rotate the world in such a way that it looks right. I'm using ODE so I get the Position and Rotation of my "object" using
ShipPos := dBodyGetPosition(Ship.Body);
ShipRot := dBodyGetRotation(Ship.Body);

Where ShipPos is a vector 3 and ShipRot is a 4x4 matrix.

My problem is I want to positon my camera using gluLookAt, so I need to calcuate the View and Up vectors from the information I get from ODE.

At this point my brain went to a walk. . Anyone have any suggestion on where to start?

