Quote Originally Posted by Daikrys View Post
correct, you just need to implement the conroller handling via ouya sdk and thats all
We have found libGDX to be excellent at this! capturing mouse and touchscreen actions has been very easy as they are treated the same. So you can test on desktop for single finger touch using the mouse. Multi-touch obviously can't be tested off-device, so testing on device is necessary. You won't need to worry about about this on OUYA unless you plan on using the touchpad on the controller.

And there is this great post about using libGDX to receive OUYA gamepad input in your existing apps/games: http://www.badlogicgames.com/wordpress/?p=2733

There are others that may work really well, but Paul and I have had only great experiences with libGDX so I would recommend trying it out. If you guys know of any others post them here!