Please forgive my stupidity with this...

I am a fairly experience Delphi developer. I have mastered most of what Delphi has to offer, but the one thing that I have never done in any detail is to create 'brand new' graphical components. I have usually descended from TImage, which is a bit mickey mouse I know...

I have used DirectX in delphi before, and understand most of the basics. I have just started a new project and have hit some minor problems that I am worrying on how to solve... I was using hoping to use a TRichEdit with this game as it does everything I want and is easy to use. GDI components are causing me too many problems, the latest of which is the scrollbar in the TRichEdit halting the main game loop when you 'hold' it.

To this end I need to create a DirectX object model, and I need some advice on how to do this. What should I decend from? Has anyone got any examples of dx components that I can look at? My main concerns are capturing mouse messages, eg. drag, click, over etc.
