Well those based on ARM processors are close to getting a Free Pascal compiler. Well FPC 4 GBA pending... I beleive there is also a Visual Basic solution aswell. Then again... there is always the assemblers themselves, but I doubt anyone would make the next greatest console hit in pure assembly.

I've found out some more information on licencing for consoles <u>here</u>.

And <u>here</u> is the one that FPC 4 GBA promoters will take special interest in. I hope that future Pascal developers will be able to challange and get one of these bad boys some day.

I think the key to Pascal's return to fame is the schools! It still has a reputation fobeing a teaching language so thats an in. And form there people will learn more about Pascal or namely the dilect of Object Pascal and learn of it's power, cleanliness, availability, stability and hopefully in the near future improved speed of it's compilers compiled & assembled code.