I think Borland Pascal is taught at the local polytechnic before moving onto Delphi - i also think they teach game programming as part of the Bachelors degree..*i think*.

What I just don't understand, is why (game)companies in general don't use object pascal. I mean, we all know about how C++ came off of C when it was popular, and they had a huge userbase there, but why not use Object Pascal.
I dunno why C/C++ has been favoured by dev houses..maybe it's because the API's are released in those languages and no one wants to spend the time ( and no doubt money ) in using a 3rd party / in-house port..there's the issue of documentation, troubleshooting etc and ofcourse dont forget there are far more C/C++ game developers around than (Object) Pascal. I think Bioware ( Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights, MDK2 etc ) uses Delphi to some extent for various tools and what not.

I dunno about you guys, but writing something like Quake 3 and having to type BEGIN all the time would drive me nuts.