I'm a cat-person but I haven't had a cat the last 10-15 years, however this summer I'm watching 3 cats (2 of them kittens 2-3 months old).

They are cute and all that, and doing what they do best and make a mess of everything from plants to pillows.. Also an occasional peeing in places they shouldn't.. All these things aren't really something that makes we wonder so much, the thing that does is when they manage to pee 10 cm from the litterbox.. "If Not in_litterbox then DO_NOT_PEE!"

Funny to see how much instincts there are in these creatures and they still manage to do weird things.. Like pooping, and while trying to cover it up they step in it and you've got foot-prints all over the place.

Cats rule!

And that was today's report from the Cat-astrophic Area.. Meeoww

(And no, I'm not talking about BlueCat)