Hi all,

My computer has a hard time breathing these day and I thought I'd take some of its stress by bying it a new gfx card. My problem however is that I'm hopelessly lost when it comes to hardware.

So what I seem to remember is that, in some of my older computers, I have had a reasonably smooth run with ASUS stuff. I have found a card that I think will do and is reasonably priced.
There's one thing, though, that really confuses me. The card (the shopping site labels it: ASUS V 9999GT/TD) is listed with support for the DirectX 9.0 api. There is on the same site a version of the card called Gamer Edition (ASUS V 9999 Gamer Edition) that supports both OpenGL and DirectX.

Unfortunattely the Gamer Edition does not support dual monitors, which is paramount, or I would just have run with that.

Can it really be that the first one does not include a OpenGL binding ?
Should I concern myself with this ?

Or perhaps some of you have recommendations and experiences with another card. It does not have to be the newest, says the wallet. It should on the other hand not have to need viagra just to get the fan spinning either.
