Because things tend to be slowing down again here at PGD, I thought I'd shed some light on that secret project of mine. (oh and to show off a bit against cairnswms project, perhaps that'll get his gear back on track again )

As you may have read on my website, the main thing I'm now working on is the isometric engine.
So far that alone has been quite challanging as I have never done any real isometric projects. Well, apart from the isocanvas demo that is, but that was only a conversion to DelphiX (btw did you know its being further developed in Omega, by czar?).

Anyway here's a screenshot of the project so far:

What you see here is a single tree, with randomly placed tiles on it. There also a red selection square, currently hovering over tile 58.

Current item on the todo list are the inhabitants. At the moment I don't have any definite sprites, so I use dummies instead. I can tell you its not an easy task, making them move within the boundaries of the map, checking for obstacles and fixing the order of drawing (ie make a sprite correctly move behind or in front of the tree, depending on its position). And I haven't even thought about pathfinding yet :-)

About the rest of game: I don't really want to tell that much about it yet, but suffice to say the of the four elements, I'll be using zombies and a robot, where the player will control the latter. Furthermore, the whole game takes place in a small town. Objectives or missions are still being thought out, as they will heavily depend on the state of the game mid september.

Ok, enough for now. Let me know what you think about it!