Greetings everyone!
For my masters degree I started making a program that "learns" from written text. Then, it can use its knowledge database to spell-check, etc.

It's in early development stage and I've made a simple function that generates random phrases using knowledge obtained from text. The unexpected thing was that sentences resulted very funny!!!

Right now I've selected all text from PGD News page, pasted it to the pogram and it learned. Now here are random phrases generated from it:

1) "post mortem by ceo john carmack last week trip"
2) "i have the newest registered user requests in the offered playback engine planned"
3) "thus we all the quake translation women in english so that binds all major shading modes languages"
4) "afterwarp interactive has been no defined amount of moon"
5) "preperations for the man was born to help make the main portion of august"
6) "what can buy new wiki system for sure other great topics by sulaco s community is described as an enhanced webpage and excess folders in this weekend will free pascal available on pgd for the game development isn't notice yet"
7) "compatible with every new cars and members coming aswell"
8 ) "will free pascal in the articles in it s own berotracker seemingly unnoticed on pgd for musicians"
9) "what can be gradually reducing a hidden gem amoung the game you now several speed improvements in the creation of august"
10) "will be possible with armed vehicle fighting with your bank account grows you use render targets with asphyre"

If there is interest, I could upload my program