If you want to promote the Object Pascal language and it's other dialects then treat it just like any other speaking language. Show off the good stuff, all the tools and the game libraries that can be used. That's how you highlight the good points making it worth learning, knowing and using it for practical development.

There is no one single tool that is the end-all-be-all of the Object Pascal language nor is there a single library. With all the many platforms and hardware to support out there it's such a great thing that there is so many options that all do it differently. Some libraries may be a little better developed and put together than others, but it's all in how you use them as well.

Personally I also make a point to not oversell it and not to knock other programming languages. That kind of debate only cheapens your message and what the public reading your posts perception of you. There was a time however that I was not so level headed and unbiased, but those were lessons learned.

A great way to promote new users is to link to us of course. Don't spam though please.

An even better way to promote the site is to give people something to read and sink their teeth into when they get here. That means news posts about important things like library releases, published games, translation projects and community events. And of course good articles on game development topics. (Please no more, this is how you use my library articles. That belongs in a tutorial in your own game library downloadables.)