Ah well theres actually a fun story behind this fish.
Every 6 months or so a couple friends of mine (around 15) have this evening where about 7 or 8 of us do presentations. The subject is completely free, you can talk about anything you like, provided it is fun and interesting. Then, after the presentations a preselected jury selects the best presentation and wins a small prize. Its really great fun.

So far these presentations have ranged from 'scientific' explanations to "why it is impossible for Nils Holgerson to exist in the real world", to "the lifecycle and survival of the herring" to "a cooking lesson: space chicken, whiskey style".
I can tell you, these presentations were hilarious. Coming up with something better is pretty much impossible.

Anyway, at the time my brother had this aquarium with piranhas. Of course this is a pretty unusual pet to have and my friends all thought it was pretty interesting. A perfect subject for a presentation. Well sort of, the piranhas where only a part of it. I needed something to spice it up a bit. So I conjured up the idea of a piranha biting my finger while feeding them. When I told a friend about this, he said I was mad, that it was impossible. But I still wanted to go through with this.

And so, a couple days before I had to do the presentation, my friend came by to take pictures of the aqarium & piranhas and me getting bitten, supposedly.
I also told two others that I was bitten by one of the piranhas while feeding them. I kinda hoped that they would spread the word a bit so that more would know about 'my accident'. To complete it all, at the evening of the presentation I appeared with a bandage around my finger.

During the presentation I told a bit about the background of piranhas, where they come from what they do etc. I then proceeded to the feeding and the point where the 'accident' happend. Of course I had my finger to back the story up but I also had the picture where the fish was actually attached to my finger. It was a great moment when I showed that picture

I realize, from here it looks like a complete fake, but it helped a lot that this was projected on a large screen, where the image was slightly blurred.

After the break, I told in the second part of my presentation, that it was all a fake. I removed my bandage and explaned how I made the fish in Lightwave and how the picture was taken.

I can tell you, all this took about 6 evenings around 3 to 4 hours each, but it was so worth it.

So far it's been my only presentation. I've been asked many times, but I still feel that if I do a new presentation I have to surpass this one.

I have yet to find a good subject.
