The popular module (MOD) tracker by Olivier Lapique, ModPlug Tracker has gone open source some time last year. Since then, there has been a small group working on the released code to continue his work on sourceforge.

The new Open ModPlug Tracker (or OpenMPT for short) is now up to version 1.17 as Release Candidate 2. With many new features and countless fixes the open source version has improved a lot with much to offer any module composer.

New features of OpenMTP 1.17:
<ul>[*]New tempo mode[*]Channel muting/unmuting on pattern transition[*]Emulate Mix Bugs Has GONE!![*]Improvements to the volume handling[*]Some new instrument properties[*]Quick "Go to row/channel/pattern/order" dialog[*]Added macro to control dry/wet ratio[*]More control over plugin slots[*]More operations/info available from plugin's GUI[*]More pattern effects work on VSTis[*]Several new customisable key commands[*]IT files now save the number of channels you choose[*]Control a VSTi's params without assigning it to a channel[/list]

To access the sourceforge project go to
For the ModPlug site visit!