Non-"learning to program" books written with Object Pascal in mind are extremely rare. I believe I have the last two that were ever published as such sitting on my shelf. These are 'Delphi Devloper's Guide to OpenGL' and 'Delphi Graphics and Game Programming Exposed!' They are dated 1999 and 2000 respectively. These are the latest that I know about and things have changed a lot in the Pascal game dev world in the last 13 years.

I doubt you will find anything more current as it's a fairly small niche compared to all the Objective-C, C#, C, C++, Java and HTML5 game stuff out there. But we gather here because we love the language and the tools anyways.

That said, I have a great many books that instead of basing all their code examples in some C derivative, they use pseudocode instead. Which is better anyhow because it gets the idea across without needing to focus too much on how you code it, but how it works.

I'd look for books on topics like AI programming, game design, structuring your code for games, math for games, physics, graphics, audio tricks, and so on. You'll find more use with these than the 1 or 2 books that will try to teach you Pascal programming that you can learn in a single month or so.

Most of the popular API functions such as OpenGL or example, are the exact same on C and they are Java as they are Object Pascal anyways so all those other books' info is highly transferable.