The Key Objects Library and Mirror Classes Kit is now at version 2.12.

New features:
<ul>[*]KOL: TStream.ReadStrLen method added.[*]KOL: ClipboardHasText function added.[*]KOL: function MakeBrushHandle (asm version) fixed for case of hatched brush.[*]KOL: TControl.Destroy (asm version) fixed for case when NEW_MENU_ACCELL defined.[*]KOL: working OnEnter event fixed for non-windowed controls (edit box, button).[*]KOL: with symbol NEW_GRADIENT defined another version of code by homm works for gradient panel (faster?). It does not work for styles gsRombic and gsElliptic though yet. Some correspondent changes in MCK too.[/list]

Check out the Key Objects Library and other tools at