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Thread: Transparent sprites in Jedi SDL

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  1. #1

    Transparent sprites in Jedi SDL

    I'm working with the sprite-engine using delphi jedi SDL.

    In the future I want to add transparent sprites to the engine.
    Does the Sprite-engine support this in any way, because I couldn't find it.
    If it isn't possible. Could anyone tell me how I can add this to the engine?

    I'm not too familiar with sprite transparency, but I heard it is possible.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Transparent sprites in Jedi SDL

    It uses magenta (the least likely color you?¢_Td want to use) as a color key, so what is of that color will be transparent. If you mean not transparency, but translucency then you?¢_Tll need to add SDL_SetAlpha to it.

  3. #3

    Transparent sprites in Jedi SDL

    Sorry, I meant translucency.... In real life it's the same, but I forgot it isn't in programming

    Anyways, Thanks for the help, I'll look into it.
    I'll add the sprite-engine with a translucency-variable. I assume it's an integer value with 0 for being solid and 100 for being invisible, but I should be able to figure that out.

    Thanks again for the help.

  4. #4

    Transparent sprites in Jedi SDL

    I seem to remember that you need to set some color key flags on the surface as well and I think the color can get defined by SDL_ColorKey. I could be wrong though.

    <A HREF="">
    <br /><IMG SRC="" BORDER="0">
    <br /></A>

  5. #5
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    Transparent sprites in Jedi SDL

    I had submitted a few alpha blending draw routeens for JEDI-SDL some time ago... submitted it to savage for inclusion into the final 1.0 release. Though, they didn't quite make it there yet. [size=9px]("He's a busy bloke", I believe thats proper UK-nese?)[/size]

    But here is a copy of my personal 'special edition' of sdlutils.pas in JEDI-SDL.

    EDIT: Here is a clip from my own personal copy of sdlutils.pas.

    {--- Trig Lookup Tables ---}
    degArcTAN: Array[-360 .. 360] of Extended;

    {Pre-Calculate SIN and COS Tables}
    procedure PreCalculate_Trig;[/pascal]

    The above to be placed in the interface portion of your unit.

    Then you'll need this procedure:
    [pascal]{Pre-Calculate SIN and COS Tables}
    procedure PreCalculate_Trig;
    var i: Integer;
    for i := Low(degSIN) to High(degSIN) do
    degSIN[i] := sin(i * Pi_Div_180);
    for i := Low(degCOS) to High(degCOS) do
    degCOS[i] := cos(i * Pi_Div_180);
    for i := Low(degTAN) to High(degTAN) do
    degTAN[i] := tan(i * Pi_Div_180);

    and be sure to either add this to your unit's main code block or execute it somewhere in your project's code before trying to use the function.


    Now you can add this function that will allow you to draw a sprite rotated[size=9px](in degrees)[/size] and alpha blended.

    [pascal]procedure SDL_RotateDeg_Alpha(DstSurface, SrcSurface: PSDL_Surface; SrcRect: PSDL_Rect;
    DestX, DestY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer; Angle: Integer;
    Alpha: UInt;
    aSin, aCos: Single;
    MX, MY, DX, DY, NX, NY, SX, SY, OX, OY, Width, Height, TX, TY, RX, RY, ROX, ROY: Integer;
    SrcColor, DstColor: UInt32;
    srcRR, srcGG, srcBB, dstRR, dstGG, dstBB: UInt8;
    TempTransparentColour: UInt32;
    MAXX, MAXY: Integer;
    // Rotate the surface to the target surface.
    TempTransparentColour := SrcSurface.format.colorkey;

    maxx := DstSurface.w;
    maxy := DstSurface.h;
    aCos := degCOS[Angle];
    aSin := degSIN[Angle];

    Width := round(abs(srcrect.h * acos) + abs(srcrect.w * asin));
    Height := round(abs(srcrect.h * asin) + abs(srcrect.w * acos));

    OX := Width shr 1;
    OY := Height shr 1;
    MX := (srcRect.x + (srcRect.x + srcRect.w)) shr 1;
    MY := (srcRect.y + (srcRect.y + srcRect.h)) shr 1;
    ROX := (-(srcRect.w shr 1)) + Offsetx;
    ROY := (-(srcRect.h shr 1)) + OffsetY;
    Tx := ox + round(ROX * aSin - ROY * aCos);
    Ty := oy + round(ROY * aSin + ROX * aCos);
    SX := 0;
    for DX := DestX - TX to DestX - TX + (width) do
    SY := 0;
    for DY := DestY - TY to DestY - TY + (Height) do
    if ((DX > 0) and (DX < MAXX)) and
    ((DY > 0) and (DY < MAXY)) then
    RX := SX - OX;
    RY := SY - OY;
    NX := mx + Round(RX * aSin + RY * aCos); //
    NY := my + Round(RY * aSin - RX * aCos); //

    if (NX >= srcRect.x) and (NX <= srcRect.x + srcRect.w) then
    if (NY >= srcRect.y) and (NY <= srcRect.y + srcRect.h) then
    SrcColor := SDL_GetPixel(SrcSurface, NX, NY);
    if (SrcColor <> TempTransparentColour) then
    SDL_GetRGB(SrcColor, SrcSurface.format, @srcRR, @srcGG, @srcBB);

    DstColor := SDL_GetPixel(DstSurface, DX, DY);
    SDL_GetRGB(DstColor, DstSurface.format, @dstRR, @dstGG, @dstBB);

    SDL_PutPixel(DstSurface, DX, DY,
    (Alpha * (srcRR - dstRR)) shr 8 + dstRR,
    (Alpha * (srcGG - dstGG)) shr 8 + dstGG,
    (Alpha * (srcBB - dstBB)) shr 8 + dstBB));

    Obviously I'm using pre-calculations for this, which is a smart move considering that you might end up using a function like this, depending on the type of game your coding, a lot durring EACH frame.
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  6. #6

    Transparent sprites in Jedi SDL

    WILL, you've posted this before, but as I see, didn't take any of my feedback into account at all , here goes again:
    • You're going the wrong way, in X first and Y second, it should be the other way around so memory access is sequential and pleasing for you're cash.
    • using precalculated values just once in a procedure is noting, you might as well you real functions for more precision
    • Rounding in the innermost loop is costly, round aCos, aSin outside of it multiplied by a power of two, and in the loop just use fixed point shifts
    • Function calls in the innermost loop is bad, extract those put/get routines and better yet make different versions of ypu're procedure with 32bit->32bit, 8bit -> 8bit, etc. and in the main one check surface formats and call an appropriate one.

  7. #7

    Transparent sprites in Jedi SDL

    I've tried ajusting the code. The problem is.... if the alpha I set goes anywhere below 255, the image simply becomes invisible

    Can someone maybe post some sample code here on how to get it working? I know the oxygene demo uses it and I think the problem lies with the surface layer. But I can't seem to figure out how to fix it without causing access violations.


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