Magma Duel was inspired by a wonderful game released for DOS in 1996, Marshmallow Duel ( Hours of fun spent with friends on this game lead to the creation you see here today, with all sorts of changes and improvements (largely graphical!).

Magma Duel is a 2-player game (2 *people*, no AI) whereas your objective is to destroy the opposing player, whether by knocking him into the boiling magma below, or by making use of the 9 nifty powerups available randomly floating around the level. Each round the level is generated by the computer based on modifiable (see Options) values of platforms and ropes -- not to mention random colour gradient backgrounds -- offering a new feel every game.

The controls, as well as system requirements and other details/goodies are outlined in the included ReadMe.txt file in the zip archive.

So what are you waiting for? Nab a friend and get crackin'. ;)

Download Magma Duel

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