Hi everyone, as WILL is away I figured I' d post a little problem.

i have a nice space sim I've developing. The ships are controled by thrusters which apply forces to the ODE body at certain positions to get the effect of actually flying the ship. I also have the main engines which apply force in the +ve Z direction (relative to the body). This all works fine. I have also implemented a flight control system which will reduce the angular velocity to 0 if the controls are released.

Now the question is this...

I want to limit the maximum linear and angualr velocity (in all directions) to a set value to ensure that the ship doesn't spin totally out of control. Now I could do this by manually setting the velocity is it has reached the maximum but the ODE documentaion advises against this. The other option would be to work out the forces needed to stop the craft accelerating any more. I'm not sure about any other possible solutions.

Anyone got any thoughts on this?
