That would be nice. I've got a tablet and want to play my own games on it ...![]()
Best regards,
Another one from me trying to improve SDL2_Mixer this time. This is the original part with still C code in it (starting at line 115):
Code:{* Good default values for a PC soundcard *} const MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 22050; { #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_LIL_ENDIAN MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT = AUDIO_S16LSB; #else MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT = AUDIO_S16MSB #endif } MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS = 2; MIX_MAX_VOLUME = 128; {* Volume of a chunk *}
I made this out of it:
Code:{* Good default values for a PC soundcard *} const MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 22050; {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT = AUDIO_S16LSB; {$ELSE} MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT = AUDIO_S16MSB; {$ENDIF} MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS = 2; MIX_MAX_VOLUME = 128; {* Volume of a chunk *}
I have to admit that I don't know if Delphi has that compiler switch (ENDIAN_LITTLE) but Free Pascal does.
Best regards,
Hi Junior! Hi Cybermonkey!
Seem this is a lonely road that of working with pascal and SDL2
I've started working with your headers Junior, working great with Delphi XE3 and Lazarus for Win32.
Now I'm trying Lazarus + Linux + SDL2 ... but I'm a total newbie on Linux![]()
I'm read from you Cybermonkey googling in another forum this:
"If someone has questions about SDL2 with FPC under Linux, don‘t hesitate to ask. "
Then i'm here
I "think" I've successfully installed SDL2 via PPA : (a friend help me )
Then successfully installed Lazarus 1.0.2.. can't remember how after many tries... but it works!
Now i'm trying a simply Hello World and Lazarus can't find the library lSDL2
/usr/bin/ld: warning: link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL2
project1.lpr(66,1) Error:Error while linking
I have not experience with Linux or Freepascal, i'm Windows Delphi user :-/
I think can contribute with some "fancy" examples after I could manage to compile in these
three environments: FreePascal-Linux, FreePascal-Windows, Delphi XE3-(no-VCL, no-Firemonkey), Delphi XE3 + VCL
Any help very appreciated!
My guess would be you don't have the appropriate developer packages installed. Try installing "SDL2-devel" and whatever other packages (_gfx, _net, et cetera) you may need.
Hi, and yes, either the sdl2-devel is missing or the linker can't find the appr. libraries. What Linux do you use? I assume it's an Ubuntu distro, so I'd rather recommend to use the official libraries from your package manager.
Best regards,
Hi.. I'll try it again. I tried with Ubuntu 12.?? first, now I've installed (ubuntu based) Linux Mint (seems more easy for a Windows guy like me).
Then do I have tell anything more to Lazarus to find the SDL libraries?
In windows I just copy the DLL the same folder with .EXE
Also it rise a new concern, about what a user of my game have to do to successful run my game on Linux, but I can let this for later..
I want to thank you (all contributors) for the SDL 2.0 headers!
Finally I was able to handle focus changing, keyboad input, game controllers etc.
A great relief!![]()
there is also this which seems to be more complete although I have not tested it yet.,30984.0.html