Quote Originally Posted by WILL View Post
Well I understand that there are parts of Delphi that have been successfully superseded, (ie compiler platform targeting) but I'd put Delphi's debugger against GDB any day. How about you?
I dunno. What, precisely do you miss from Delphi's debugger in Lazarus that makes it so much more usable? I've debugged some pretty hairy database and graphics libraries with Lazarus, and it gets the job done, which is what is important.

Or would you miss your SIGSEV and other incomplete error messages?
Oh, like those wonderfully complete "Access Violation" error messages you get with Delphi?

And you might not use them, and that's cool, but you can't completely wave off all of the code editor features. Many of them inspired the incorporated features included into Lazarus. I find them essential for any of my serious game projects (with lots of source files and lines of code) and I personally wouldn't want to code without that. Notepad++ or otherwise doesn't do any of that so it doesn't come close to measuring up.
The code editing features are nice to haves, but are not absolutely essential to banging out code, which is what I often find myself doing in notepad++, which does have some nice features like syntax highlighting and folding, btw. It can also do function completion and parameter hinting if you provide it with the definitions.