I decided to publish our old (2002-2003) retail-aimed (but not published) project called Armor Cavalry.

It's a tank wars with unusual design of tanks (and other assets).
A mission-based single player scenario was planned, but this tech-demo looks like a multiplayer deathmatch (which was not planned).

Download (7 MB)

Screenshot (Update):

The project was abandoned, but our shareware projects are based on the same technology (much improved, of course).

The usability is poor, I know, but it's only tech-demo.

Requirements: GeForce256-class videocard or TnT, if you have a powerfull CPU.

Green/Red bar indicates current armour level.
Yellow/Blue bar indicates how far the shoot will go (shoot power).
Yellow point indicates suggested shoot power for a place where the mouse is pointing.
Red/Grey thin bar indicates weapon reloading progress.

Mouse + RMB - rotate.
MMB or right shift + mouse move - zoom
F1/F2 - switch camera modes
F9 - camera - tank direction sync. on/off

Move your mouse to aim
AWSD - move/rotate
R / F - raise/lower gun
Q / E - raise/lower shoot power
Mouse wheel (or "]") - switch to next weapon
LMB or SPACE - fire

Toggle - ESC
Arrows up/down - select weapon
Arrows left/right - sell/buy
Delete - sell all
Page Down - buy maximum

Tab - switch to next tank
I - toggle AI control for current tank

1/2/3 - switch detail level