I haven't tested the following but if you look up this line:

var text = '<a href="' + newsBarContent&#91;contentIndex&#93;&#91;0&#93; + '" target="' + newsBarContent&#91;contentIndex&#93;&#91;2&#93; + '"' + eventHandlers + newsBarContent&#91;contentIndex&#93;&#91;1&#93; + leadingSign + '</a>
(iirc its in templates\subSilver\overall_header.tpl)

and add a class before href it probably should work.

Alternatively, you could also add the following to the css file
#newsbar a &#123;
	color &#58; #D1C961;
       text-decoration &#58; none;

#newsbar a&#58;hover &#123;
	text-decoration &#58; underline;