I've been thinking about scene management allot recently. My latest probject has quite a few objects active at one time, and even with Frutsum culling and a fairly low poly count (compared to Quake 3 etc) i only manage between 30 and 40 frames per second.

I have attributed this to the way in which I'm rendering the objects. Currently I render each object individually , in other works for each object, I set the vertex array, normal and tex coord pointers. Then for each mesh in the model I set the materials and then the texture then render using glDrawElements.

With this informationin mind I have come to the conclusion that this method sucks. I am repeatedly reloading the textures, and resetting the vertex data, even if multiple objects use the same mesh (which they do).

Now I've started thinking about a more advanced rendering technique such as the one desribed over at delphi3d.net, but I was wondering if anyone else had any different approaches to this issue :?: