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Thread: Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

  1. #1

    Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    A Poll.

    Question no 1:
    - Why did you choose ( Object ) Pascal / Delphi as a programming language

    Question no 2:
    - How long have you been programming in Pascal

    Question no 3:
    - Have you made any finished games or applications, in the past years

    Question no 4:
    - Were these games (applications) succesful?

    Question no 5:
    - Are you experiencing difficulties, because you have chosen Pascal as your main language and not mainstream languages like C, C++.

    Question no 6:
    - What is, in your opinion, the future of the language Pascal?

    Thanks!___________________________________________ _____
    Your answers won't be used in any profitable ways.. DD

  2. #2

    Re: Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    Question no 1:
    Pascal seemed to me a very good language, and Delphi 2 was very interesting, so I sticked to it.
    Question no 2:
    For about 4-5 ys.
    Question no 3:
    Not fully finished projects, but a lot of unfinished projects.

    Question no 4:
    Question no 5:
    Yes, lot of difficulties, most tutorials are written in other languages. But it's possible to translate. And have the code in REAL nice fashion like Pascal.

    Question no 6:
    -more publicity? More companies who use Pascal to make games.
    edit: i want also to stress that Pascal devs must be proud, and not shy , to defend their language. This site is a very good example as how to make it grow.


  3. #3

    Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    Question no 1:
    My father thought me how to make a calculator in delphi 3 when i was 11. I've used it ever since
    Question no 2:
    4-5 years
    Question no 3:
    i can't brag about any seriously completed project. like marmin, lots of unfinished projects :roll:

    Question no 4:
    nah.. they never worked when i wanted to show then to my dad :cry:
    Question no 5:
    I started out with applications consisting of forms where i didn't have to move too much into code. Not any problems there however when i started to look at graphics programming in opengl, dx etc. i got a few problems finding enough ressources in delphi
    Question no 6:
    I think it's not good. People at my school think of pascal as a learning language though they've never seen any bit of pascal-code. Who would start to learn a language that "is just made for learning purposes"?
    So more ressources about delphi. More publicity. School deals, at my school we can choose programming as a class. java has been choosen the last 7 years as they don't have access to any legal delphi packages anymore! I've tried to tell them about freepascal but they say that they're happy about java so why change?

    Regards Jeppe
    Peregrinus, expectavi pedes meos in cymbalis
    Nullus norvegicorum sole urinat

  4. #4

    Re: Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    - Why did you choose ( Object ) Pascal / Delphi as a programming language
    Pascal/Modula 2 which Delphi is based on is a well thought-out language. Main benefits - rapid development, low debugging time, self-explaining code.

    - How long have you been programming in Pascal
    ~10 years.

    - Have you made any finished games or applications, in the past years
    A lot. Including 3 games.

    - Were these games (applications) succesful?
    Yes, some of them.

    - Are you experiencing difficulties, because you have chosen Pascal as your main language and not mainstream languages like C, C++.

    - What is, in your opinion, the future of the language Pascal?
    Oberon 2.

  5. #5

    Re: Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    Why did you choose ( Object ) Pascal / Delphi as a programming language?
    Because it was a logical step after using Turbo Pascal *many years ago*.

    How long have you been programming in Pascal?
    ~10 years

    Have you made any finished games or applications, in the past years?
    Applications: countless
    Games: several

    Were these games (applications) succesful?
    Applications: all of them
    Games: only two

    Are you experiencing difficulties, because you have chosen Pascal as your main language and not mainstream languages like C, C++.

    What is, in your opinion, the future of the language Pascal?
    IMHO very clouded.

  6. #6

    Re: Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    Why did you choose ( Object ) Pascal / Delphi as a programming language?
    I did a course at University on Object Oriented Programming, the language we used was Delphi v1, I've been hooked ever since.

    How long have you been programming in Pascal?
    8-10 years

    Have you made any finished games or applications, in the past years?
    Applications - quite a few, I was fortunate to land a full-time delphi programming job.
    Games - none, working on one though.
    Components - a few namely the SXMedia components for DelphiX

    Were these games (applications) succesful?
    Applications yes, and the components were used in at least one comercial game, so I count that as a yes

    Are you experiencing difficulties, because you have chosen Pascal as your main language and not mainstream languages like C, C++.
    not really, but I know C++, C VB and C# to varing degrees. It is difficult to get Delphi work though.

    What is, in your opinion, the future of the language Pascal?
    not sure... I'll still use it anyway If you want an application developed quickly which can run on any windows box without any extra runtime libraries, I still think delphi is the way to go.
    <A HREF="">
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  7. #7

    Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    Question no 1:
    'cos I'd wake up in the middle of the night, screaming with a cold sweat, after having nightmares about c code :lol: .

    Question no 2:
    On and off for 5 years.

    Question no 3:

    Question no 4:
    To me yes , but most my projects are for personal use and not really interesting.

    Question no 5:
    Overall no, I haven't found many sources that couldn't somehow be duplicated in pascal. It can be quite anouying to have to go through soo much criptic c code all the time to find answers to specific problems.

    Question no 6:
    I think the future is good, but at the same time very fragile. There are quite a number of those developing and using Pascal languages, but not nearly enough willing to stand up and defend it.

    After all these years Pascal is still considered a Learning Language. Which is funny because I think everything language is a learning language . I use a number of languages nearly everyday, Java, PHP, C++, Pascal, Delphi...And I'd be darned if I don't learn something new everyday . When the learning stops, that's when coding stops being fun and becomes a chore.

  8. #8

    Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    - Why did you choose ( Object ) Pascal / Delphi as a programming language
    - The first language I was teached (after BASIC, of course), was C - :shock:! Then, I learned Pascal by myself, and I use it ever since.

    - How long have you been programming in Pascal
    - > 10 years

    - Have you made any finished games or applications, in the past years
    - Several commercial applications in Delphi, lots of home-utilities, still working on a game

    - Were these games (applications) succesful?
    - As for applications, they all are. As for games.... hope it will!

    - Are you experiencing difficulties, because you have chosen Pascal as your main language and not mainstream languages like C, C++.
    - Not very much, nothing worth enough to chose C/C++/...

    - What is, in your opinion, the future of the language Pascal?
    - The biggest problem Pascal has is - bad reputation. Famous sentence "If you want to make serious games, you have to use C++" is still very frequent and loud. Let's show them the opposite!

  9. #9

    Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    Question no 1:
    - After basic I wanted something new, better. It became Turbo Pascal. The real fun started when I got a demo of Delphi 1. Got stuck to it ever since.

    Question no 2:
    - Not really sure. +10 years

    Question no 3:
    Applications, tools, 1 finished game

    Question no 4:
    - Applications yes
    - Tools yes
    - Game, not really sure, could be.

    Question no 5:
    - nope.

    Question no 6:
    - Pretty good. I think it has a solid userbase/

  10. #10

    Poll : - about Pascal / Delphi -

    Question no 1:

    Because Turbo Pascal 7.0 was cheap back at the time when I was looking for a full IDE. I was using C++ before that, but C++-IDEs were rather expensive at the time, so I went for TP7.0 for 100 DM (or something around that price, don't remember)

    Question no 2:

    For over ten years now. I started with Pascal after the release of TP7.0, which must have been some time around 1993/1994.

    Question no 3:

    Yes, plenty finished apps and games. When counting the apps and games form Pascal and Delphi together, I think it should be some dozens that were finished.

    Question no 4:

    Yes. One of my most successfull one was a 3D-Bomberman called "Napalm Bomber 3D". I stopped counting at around 50000 downloads and it still gets some hundred downloads per month. It also can be downloaded from many free game sites and has been on the cover CD/DVD of at least three german gaming magazines.

    Question no 5:

    For games not, players are not interested in what language a game has been written, they care about the game itself.
    For apps, sometimes yes. Some customers prefer an application written in C++ or C#, mostly because they don't know anything about Delphi.

    Question no 6:

    Well, it's hard to say, but I don't think that Pascal will ever come out of it's niche (hope that's spelled right). There aren't really big innovations, and the only real innovations are currently coming from FPC, which isn't created by a money-heavy company. So I don't see a very bright future for Pascal, as long as Borland doesn't start to put in some innovations.

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