I'm pushing pretty hard to get this done in time. Lots of stuff to do at work, and with a business trip starting tomorrow, this week won't see much progress

But I got a lot of stuff done nonetheless. You can actually "play" it now from beginning to the end, with several chapters, different questions and visual types and so on. The game now has a main menu, an about screen and an ending screen that's displayed when you die. How do you die? By simply not answering a question. For that I added even more shaders, and the longer you stare at a decision, the blurrier it gets and at some point reality starts to fade in with many people standing around your death bed. If you won't answer in time then, your journey will end. I also added music (found a nice and very fitting track over at opengameart.org) and (though not necessary, but helpfull) logging.

The game now also has three different visual styles for the decisions, it's either long corridors, holes or "flying" doors (I guess you can see the tribute to a certain mystery series from a mile away ). I have mockups and plans for more visual styles, though I don't think they'll make it into the initial release.

The game now also records your answers and tracks your bias towards life that'll then be displayed in the ending screen.

So yes, I'm pretty much on track, though this week will set me back a bit and the final version may be a bit rough around the edges.

Oh, and no post without new screenshots :