I dont think I have seen a game that uses method nr 2
I posted the other method because I saw some indie games that open
the webbrowser to show highscores, but I think it's only to increase
the number of visits on their site

Have you explored the first method on how to accomplish this
Yes I have. As I work in java also for web applications I set up a very
small app in which i create a connection pool to a small Access Db and
then I post the requests via Delphi through http. I send the request and
obtain an http response that i can read as a string list or token string, but
this is due to imagination only, like:



Palyer1|Score$Player2|Score$Player3|Score$...$Play erN|Score

and so on. Got that string/stringlist it is basically the same I already do
for highscores now.

The chain should be like this:

Delphi->http request->jsp page processing,insert record into db and
return a stringlist (invisible to user)->http response->Delphi (draw
highscores reading thegiven stringlist).

This is quite a simple method but already tested and working, I hope it's
clear because I feel my english very rusty so the explanation may look a
bit confusing
