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Thread: problem with my first pascal game

  1. #1

    problem with my first pascal game

    sorry for my bad english but i am italian....

    i have create a very simple moped game, it is in pascal (old pascal, no delphi) and it is a console game. But i have same problem with the images... i want to create a simple window in that i show the image...but i don't know what can i do...can yuo suggest me a simple script that can do it?

    i you want do download it, it is in the download section in my is in italian!!
    my pascal game: need4scooter
    <br />powered by

  2. #2

    problem with my first pascal game

    nn ho capito cosa vuoi far vedere nella finestra che crei.

  3. #3

    problem with my first pascal game

    un'immagine...presa dall'hard disk....A" possibile?

    grazie di avermi risposto in italiano....
    my pascal game: need4scooter
    <br />powered by

  4. #4

    problem with my first pascal game

    possibile A" possibile, anche se codice nn te ne posso fornire xchA" sinceramente non ho idea adesso su come fare.
    Cmq, ti consiglio di passare a delphi per programmare in oop, tutto ti sembrerA piA1 semplice una volta capite le basi.
    Se il problema A" la licenza esiste lazarus un porgetto opensource per un compilatore delphi.
    Mi spiace nn esserti stato di aiuto


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