<table width=100%><tr><td class=newsContent valign=top align=justify>Kambiz R. Khojasteh has released DA Checkers on his site DELPHI AREA. (Usually known for providing it's innovative Delphi Components.)

Some of the Game Features include:
<ul>[*]strong AI of computer opponent[*]custom computer opponent difficulty levels[*]full history of the movements[*]saving and loading of a game[*]custom setup of pieces on the board[/list]</td><td width=283 align=center valign=middle>[img]files/news/2005_12_22_dacheckers.jpg[/img]</td></tr></table>

You can get DA Checkers at www.delphiarea.com!
The game is free, however if you like the game, DELPHI AREA asks that you consider buying it from the share*it store here.