Heres my thoughts on this...

Firstly, I'll stand up and be counted as someone who likes the current approach and I think WILL and co. deserve a big hand for their efforts so far.

A key implication from the objectors to the current format seems to be that all games are developed by teams and as such, not all members of the team will be interested in reading everything here. However, this is NOT the case. I personally am the only techy in our 'team'. Spirit, tells me how she wants the game to work, what features she wants and I make it happen. Yes, I get the complex artwork done by my brother (and one or two of our crew chip in), but the rest of it is all down to me. And to be honest, I'm sure I'm not alone in that kind of setup.

So why does this matter? Well, I have in the past tried to get information from some skill/product specific sources only to greeted with non-helpful sarcasm and in some cases outright hostility. Needless to say, as a result, I personally don't have a lot of faith in that kind of site anymore, especially as an outsider who just needs a little help from time to time. I've also found that when peeps ask questions relating to Pascal elsewhere, they can often be greeted with comments like 'Delphi is a dinosaur, you should be using C++'... hardly helpful.

PGD on the other hand is different. I know I could ask a question here and get a sensible answer or pointers to places that may have the answer. If its specifics I'm after... how do I do x, y and z with OpenGL or how can I use a mod to create mood in my game for example, I know I can post and someone will answer. And perhaps, most importantly, the answers I get will relate to Pascal... not C++ or Java etc. as is the case with so many sites and examples. I'm currently investigating the possibility of creating a graphical cross platform client for a new project... this is likely to involve creating music, sound effects, graphics etc. I don't want to spend hours trawling five or six specific sites to get answers in C++ or Java or whatever... I'd like to post a couple of questions here and get my answers in a language I can use straight away. From that perspective, PGD is excellent.

Some of these posts state that what you want to see is code... well... writing tutorials etc. takes time. I'm working on a couple now, but my own work and my job will always take priority because they bring in the money. If you want to see more code, why not start writing for PGD and help build up the parts you think are lacking?

In terms of how-to's etc, PGD already links to other sites that contain useful information and from what I've seen, doesn't recreate the wheel, except maybe to illustrate points in Pascal. There is also the point that many how-to's are written by experts in a particular field and as such, aren't always easily digestable by non-experts... The IPTables how-to's for example... I'm not a novice at networking, but they blow my mind. But IPTables is relevant to what I do as I use it to provide firewalling and routing for our LAN/game traffic, so a how-to for it written by a programmer for a programmer could be extremely useful, not just to me, but others here, and that is where a site like this can prove invaluable. Information for programmers and development teams by programmers and development teams in a language that is both relevant and that can be understood.

My final thought is that from reading these posts, it seems that the objectors expect staff to justify why we should retain the current format, without actually providing any concrete justification why it should change. Its kind of like site X provides Y so we shouldn't... if we adopted that kind of attitude in other aspects of what we do, we'd all still be playing Pong and Space Invaders, because no one would be pushing the boundaries or trying new things. Before I started reading some of the articles and tutorials on here, I'd never have dreamed of attempting to create a graphical client... now, I'm seriously considering it because I can find information about music, sound, graphics and everything else I could need in one place in a langauge I can understand, and best of all, its backed up by some very knowledgable peeps who give up some of their free time to make PGD what it is.

Stick with it guys because I think you're doing a fantastic job.