WILL, the idea you are presenting looks a lot like a "Game Development Lounge". There are a lot of different forums, each one specialized in different things. For instance, musicians usually go to ModPlug.com, because they either use ModPlug Tracker, post their music or simply ask questions to fellow trackers. Although they might, it doesn't mean they will be interested in game development.

If someone has a very specific question about isometric landscapes, math and so on, he will most likely go to gamedev and devmaster, because these are high-traffic forums with a lot of specialization too. For instance, when I had a very specific question to Direct3D behavior, I asked on GameDev, simply because the probability of getting the precise answer is much higher than doing it here (and the question was not related to Pascal in any way).

My point is that each community has its own purpose and specialization. You simply can't just put together music, graphics, programming, design, story writing and level making into a single site and hope it will go all right. You can provide much more quality to the end user of PGD by providing *only* what PGD is all about: Pascal Game Development. Pascal word explicitly tells that PGD is about Programming (not graphics art, not music tracking and not story writing or similar!)

I mean, if I read a book about 3D in OpenGL, I would explicitly look for the information related to working with 3D in OpenGL. You can fill the book with partly relevant topics like "Programming in C++", "Designing better applications", "3D Modelling with Maya" and so on, but by doing that you may find out that not many people will really bother to buy your book. I believe same thing happens here on PGD and you simply close your eyes on it.

I think it will be much better if you simply held a links archive to relevant topics like Game Design (there are many articles about this already and really, they are not specific to programming in Pascal!), but don't overbloat PGD with partly relevant or even non-relevant information.

Look at PGD constructively: how many "useful" discussions occured here on Forums in last few months? I mean, only few sections had any activity and the rest of the stuff is just sitting there like a duck, which probably nobody will even care to explore (like this tracking forum), simply because it takes time.

Just think, how long a regular PGD visitor stays on site? 10 minutes? Half an hour or two hours? And how long it takes to review all the information on this forum?

If you look for something on Google using search string like "Music Tracking" and find "Pascal Game Development" in the list. What are the odds the user will pick that link? Not very high, because of topic relevancy. The name is what it's all about!

Anyway, this thread has gone long into off-topic and I'm partly responsible of it, so I hope you guys don't mind. Also, I regret of posting that stupid joke which was way too "local" not to be understood, which in effect created the reply wave.