Just an update. I think we have found a good solution. We updated the project to use the dx9 version of Omega.

Dan created a new omega class using ID3DXFont and we have been incorporating that into our program. I still wasn't 100% happy but I think I now have a solution.

To get smooth fonts I am printing the text twice. I am using two variants of the font I create. The first is set to ANTIALIASED_QUALITY and the other is set to not antialiased.

I draw the fatter ANTIALIASED_QUALITY font first with a low alpha (i.e. quite see through) and then draw the other font over the top (no alpha). The result is pretty good, the jaggies dissappear nicely. Good enough for what I want it for.

When we are finished we can publish the new unit if anyone wants it to be incorporated into Omega.