Hi everyone, i've never done game programming before .. and actually i started learning pascal (turbo pascal) about a month or so.. Anyway, we use pascal for Programming in the college i go to, and i thought it would be good for me to learn as much as there is to know about this language, and use it to create animations, or whatever that will get me into a 'resolving problem' mode I'm sure that'll do good to my grades too.

Since I'm using pascal, my thoughts went to old games like monkey island, DOTT etc.. I really don't know much, and i really wanted to know how they drew these graphics on screen. I don't need an detailed answer on how to do that, i just need to understand.. how it was done. Did they use pixel per pixel? Did they save a part of the graphic and reuse it eac h time? (I think spirtes are like that?)
If you someone can just give me a generic idea about this subject, i would appreciate it.. I'm sure at some point i'll learn exactly how they did that, but for now.. it just bugs me

Any tips or hints, or links... would be very much appreciated !

P.S These old games, i think they were like in 320x200 right?