After a short pause, I'm back in the balloon business again...

I've added/changed a couple new things in the game in the past few days
It's beginning to look quite qood now, if I may say so.

Changes in version v0.93
- Added bomb feature which will destroy all balloons currently on the screen;
- Added slow down feature which will slow down the balloons currently on the screen;
- Added 'time flux' feature where balloons don't move for three seconds;
- decreased number of lives from 6 to 5;
- fixed a bug where a restart of the game resulted in unlimited game play;
- some changes in images;
- fixed a grammar error in the title screen;
- a menu has been added;
- a highscore system has been added (still has a few bugs though);

I'm sorry Alimonster, no swear option yet,... it's very hard to implement hehe. Perhaps in the next version :lol:

Have a look if you're interested,... questions, ideas, comments they're all greatly appreciated