Quote Originally Posted by Traveler
I'm not really sure thats possible, WILL and I made some changes to the base code for that particular layout. That's not something we'd want to do again, for obvious reasons.
My appologies Traveller for not remembering that you worked on the site with WILL.
My brain can be such a waste of space sometimes. Actually most of the time.

I think the heading should be do able, but I am not familiar with the whole articles/administration etc sub-system.

Well maybe when WILL gets back it would be a good idea for all concerned to have a chat one night about how to progress from here so that any phpBB updates are easy to install without affecting all the custom code you and WILL have worked so hard on. Ideally it would be great to be able to just back up the db, replace the phpBB with any new versions, restore the DB and with minimal script changes have our custom look and feel back.