Quote Originally Posted by AthenaOfDelphi
Now I have my enemy path finding code worked out (today is going to be a long day in the office on only 3 hours sleep :-( ), I've got to make more changes to the tools to accomodate the data I now need for that. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm spending more time on them than I am on the engine itself, which is a bit annoying given the tiny proportion of the final score that they represent. Still... I've learned a hell of a lot already, including how to break my own rules about how to write nice code in order to squeeze out excess clock cycles.
Well I have had all of my path-finding worked out for quite some time. I even have a sample on my website with source if you want something for reference (hey I don't mind helping anyone if I can). Sprites, Map and all of that wern't too bad either. Whats got me is the objects and paperdoll type stuff. I had planned on using my sprite class for objects, but in the end its just too much overhead for such a small thing, so I'm back to writing an extension for my level editor. The other thing is I forgot to allow for global sprites in my editor, so now I'll be spending quite a bit of time working out the details and the objects for global lists that don't get creamed every time a new level is loaded .