Quote Originally Posted by Eric
Hi Eric, was this after you customized controls, or was there another issue?
Didn't customize the controls...
When you get respawned, you are not respawned at the start position but in the middle of a cliff near the fountain. I'm not so sure it's the controls themselves, rather than the physics that wouldn't react to this spawn point as well as they it should: when you manage to leave the cliff (which in some instances was easy, and in others, was rather long) and get back in the valley floor, the controls resume normal operation after a few seconds.
ahh ok. That makes sense now.

Sounds like the camera...
the camera is trying to catch you but it has trouble locking to 3rd person mode until you stop moving.

The respawn check happens about every 10 seconds, so depending on when you die relative to the check, you may have to wait longer/shorter to respawn.