Now there are three things I have problems with. I hope there is someone who can answer these questions.

1. I recently bought Delphi 3 Professional for 15 euros. I was very curious if JEDI-SDL would work on this old delphi version. Well, it doesn't work. :?
The compiler does not know the compiler flag {$EXTERNALSYM}. Is there a way to avoid this and get JEDI-SDL work on Delphi 3?

2. My computer with Windows ME crashes regularly for some months now. (I think I need a new PC.) The mouse driver does not work properly and every try installing new mouse drivers has failed. When I start any SDL application (even the OpenGL-accelerated SDL applications) I get following error message:
DirectInputDevice:etCooperativeLevel: Unknown DirectInput error: 0x80004001
The funny thing is every DirectX application (except the SDL applications) is working fine. Reinstalling DirectX has not solved this problem.
My question: Is there any possibility to turn manuelly to Windows GDI mode if initialising DirectX failed?

3. It would be fine if I get rotating sprites for my engine. A request which is at the top of my ToDo-list, but unfortunetaly I won't get it work. Using this rotating function from SDLUtils.pas and rotozoom from sdl_gfx.pas result in an access violetion. Is there any other possibilty to get rotating surfaces work?