Hi all,

i want to be able to read an MP3 or WAV file from with in a custom file which contains many files like a ZIP file, i can load the data ok for both and i can play WAV files using directsound from the data that a get but im not sure how to do this with MP3 files, at the moment i use the following code:

function PlayDirectSound(_Filename: String): Boolean;
var _hr : hResult;
    _pPin : IPin;
    _wFileName : array[0..(MAX_PATH*2)-1] of char;
    _pFilterEnum : IEnumFilters;
    _pFilterTemp : IBaseFilter;
    _ppFiltersX  : array[0..49] of IBaseFilter;
    _iFiltCount, _iPos : integer;
    _fetched  : PULONG;
    _llPos : Int64;
  // ---------
  _pPin := NIL;

  // Make sure that this file exists
//  if GetFileAttributes(pChar(_filename)) = -1 then exit;

  // Get filename in UNICODE
  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pChar(_filename), -1, @_wFileName,

  // Add the new source filter to the graph.
  // (Graph can still be running)
  _hr := g_pGraphBuilder.AddSourceFilter(@_wFileName, @_wFileName,

  // Get the first output pin of the new source filter. Audio sources
  // typically have only one output pin, so for most audio cases
  // finding any output pin is sufficient.
  if not failed(_hr)
    then _hr := g_pSourceNext.FindPin('Output', _pPin);

  // Stop the graph
  if not failed(_hr) then g_pMediaControl.Stop;

  // Break all connections on the filters. You can do this by adding
  // and removing each filter in the graph
  if not failed(_hr) then
      _pFilterEnum := NIL;
      _pFilterTemp := NIL;

      _hr := g_pGraphBuilder.EnumFilters(_pFilterEnum);

      if not failed(_hr) then
          _iFiltCount := 0;
          _iPos := 0;

          // Need to know how many filters. If we add/remove filters
          // during the enumeration we'll invalidate the enumerator
          while (_pFilterEnum.Skip(1) = S_OK) do inc(_iFiltCount);

          // pull out all ...
          _fetched := Nil;
          while (_pFilterEnum.Next(1, _ppFiltersX[_iPos],
                 _fetched) = S_OK) do inc(_iPos);

          if assigned(_pFilterEnum) then _pFilterEnum := NIL;

          for _iPos := 0 to _iFiltCount-1 do

              // Put the filter back, unless it is the old source
              if &#40;_ppFiltersX&#91;_iPos&#93; <> g_pSourceCurrent&#41;
                then g_pGraphBuilder.AddFilter&#40;_ppFiltersX&#91;_iPos&#93;, NIL&#41;;

              if assigned&#40;_ppFiltersX&#91;_iPos&#93;&#41;
                then _ppFiltersX&#91;_iPos&#93; &#58;= NIL;

  // We have the new ouput pin. Render it
  if not failed&#40;_hr&#41; then
      _hr &#58;= g_pGraphBuilder.Render&#40;_pPin&#41;;
      g_pSourceCurrent &#58;= g_pSourceNext;
      g_pSourceNext &#58;= NIL;

  if assigned&#40;_pPin&#41; then _pPin &#58;= NIL;
  if assigned&#40;g_pSourceNext&#41; then g_pSourceNext &#58;= NIL;

  // Re-seek the graph to the beginning
  if not failed&#40;_hr&#41; then
      _llPos &#58;= 0;
      _hr &#58;= g_pMediaSeeking.SetPositions&#40;
                 _llPos, AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning,
                 _llPos, AM_SEEKING_NoPositioning&#41;;

  // Start the graph
  if not failed&#40;_hr&#41; then g_pMediaControl.Run;

  // Release the old source filter.
  if assigned&#40;g_pSourceCurrent&#41; then g_pSourceCurrent &#58;= NIL;

  // All right.
  Result &#58;= true;
is their some other procedures/functions that i can use to give DirectSound the data myself or something?!?

Thanx for any help