
My App currently has hit a brick wall in that I cannot seem to place anything on top of my drawn map. I have created my map (256x256 grid) by drawing onto the Canvas using :

[pascal]for RowCount := 1 to 256 do
for ColCount := 1 to 256 do

Using a 2-Dimensional array slows the drawing of the Grid by about 20fps... but It will make it easier when it comes to collision detection later on. It runs at 60fps...

Anyway, on to the problem... When I try and draw a single sprite onto that surface to represent the player, my FPS drops to about 1 or 2. I have tried my hand at creating a TDirectDrawSurface but that lags even worse where you can actually see it flickering and updating the screen. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and possibly point me in the right direction? Maybe I am using the surfaces wrong or something else.

Thanks in Advance