Name : Andrew.
Handle : Armand. ;=
Age : 23
Occupation : Programer (C/C++, Dephi) and Sys Admin.
Location : Austrlia. {Melbourne}
Dream Job : Games Programing. {Isn't it always}
Likes : Music (eclectic but heavy and german is always good)
Clubbing (alternitive a preferance)
Writting Good, Fast code. (any lang, any OS).
Dislikes : Anything first thing in the morning (one or 2 exceptions).
Being told I'm wrong with out a logical or rational expliantion.

Other Hobbys (other than writting games) :
Music composition, Martial Arts, Electrionics, Dressing oddly, Stage Performance.. other stuff that I cant think of at the moment.

P.s Blue Cat. Absinth is nice isn't it.