Hi Sly, don't fell old. Then I also have to fell old, and thats not good :-)

Name: Kim Friis (And thats a male name in Denmark)
Age: 28 (almost 29)

Started with a Commodore Vic20 and tried a litle peeking and pooking with that. Got into Turbo Pascal 7 when I got my degree, that was followed by Delphi 1 when I got to work, and have been thru all 7 versions of Delphi, used professionally to do alot of DB work.

Tried to do some game project in my spare time, but they never seem to lift off. I have tried alot of game lib's for Delphi (DGC, DelphiX, G4D to name a few) Now I am trying to make a small webbased cardgame for me and my friends with Delphi 7 and Intraweb. (Perhaps idea for a new forum?)
Favorite drink: Hm Used to be "SmA¥ GrA¥" (vodka with some strong candy in), now I'm older and enjoy a good glass of red wine.
Shoesize: 11 (or 45)

Oh and I got a 3 year old son that can now beet my ass in Need for Speed 5. Perhaps I should by him a PS2/X-Box so he can play Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, instead of stealing my PC?