Okidoki, this thread is called stage 6 feedback, so here is mine ^^


I am ashamed to say, that I seem to be too stupid to play your game.
I am not able to steer the players character in a way that he goes where I want. My mouse movement seem to be too unsensitive. I changed it in the options but it didn't help. I can move through mountains, is this intended? When I press "jump" I fly into the air like a superman reaching the skys... actually, unfortunately I am not able to play your game at all in a manner of "having fun". As I said, it may be my fault or maybe problems with my computer, don't know. Maybe I just don't understand the game at all! There is no collision and no gravity.... is this part of the "idea" of blocked? Please help me. I was so excited downloading your entry...

Played well for me... I find it a little hard, but I will try further on! Until now I saw the Ufo boss, nothing more :twisted:

Verne X: Didn't download yet because I had to upload my entry twice... there was a bug that the players tank didn't leave tracks on the ground (just added that ability to the enemy tanks and disabled it accidently on the players tank). I will download it right now (hopefully your upload worked).


EDIT: The upload of my entry to my personal webspace just finished:


Any comments are welcome (good or bad)!