Hey ILovePascal,

sorry for the delay, but I came back from holidays last night at 3o'clock, so I was not able to take a look at the forums for 2 weeks.

I know that the PGD entry had some lag issues, and the IGF version has some too (when much enemys are on the map), but there are already some thoughts on solving the problem. The lags in the PGD version came from the trees and ground tiles. This problem is already fixed in the IGF version, so don't worry about it, all the lags will be gone some day (I will work further on the game).

The game took most of my spare time in the beginning of 2006. I started with 0 lines of code in february and ended up with the entry in may.

I am using Delphi since version 2, never did any course or something though. But I am glad I use Delphi at work, too. I am working as software developer. But in fact, I don't think this helped me a lot when working on TANX, because at work I develop everything else but games

I am glad you liked the entry.

I use a little C/C++ at work only (Linux).
