Well its been a long time since I have been able to work on anything, but over the past two nights I've been able to work on JumpStart for a few hours. Instead of working on CoF (my PGD entry) I decided to see what else I could do with the engine. So I wrote Tetris (well at least all the functionality is there). I still have some things to work out (start menu, high scores, breaks between levels) but overall its there and it works. I'd like it if some Tetris Gods could play for a bit and let me know if it can be beat, if its to easy or to hard. I suck at Tetris, so for me its really difficult, and I'd really appriciate feedback as I start working on Menus and other nifty features.

No fear, I plan on going back and finishing CoF but I needed a small break. Not to mention that this demo game lets me see where I have things breaking and make fixes w/o having to spend hours debugging the 100's of lines of script source.

You can download the Demo from the JumpStart Microsite at: http://www.eonclash.com/JumpStart/Default.htm