Thanks for the replies guys

Like with the competition version of VD everything is prerendered (it is after all still a 2d game). However, the water is animated and, if I may say so myself, looks very nice. The island you see here consists of 16 tiles (4 blocks of 4 tiles) which (eventually) can be modified individually, to allow for different rock formations.

Thanks for trying out VD. I'm glad you like it that much. And don't worry about a sequel, it will take a while but there will be one

Some good ideas there about the skirmishers and teams. I'm not entirely sure yet how gameplay is going to be in this version, but there is definitely going to be more to do for the player than just placing towers and upgrading them. The maps are probably going to be bigger, roads leading to the village longer and more varied.

As for new graphics and characters, there's going to be plenty more to see in the new game. As seen in the screenshot, there's at least going to be water in it, but I'm thinking of hills and possibly mountains too. These could allow for some interesting level designs such as two islands connected by a bridge for example.

About the characters: the orcs and ogres seen in the demo are not returning. I had far too much problems with the models to use them again in this game. However, I have already started to work on new models. I hope to be able to release some more info and screenshots about this soon.